Friday 21 December 2012

A good shop to hang out in

Well, as the inventive headline suggests, this post is about good (surfy) shops to hang out in - because of what they sell, of course, but mainly because of who is behind the counter. You are right, nothing beats a moody, stoned teenager with a Bob Marley T-Shirt or, even higher on my list, is the cool surfer dude that is way too out there to speak to us mere mortals about anything that doesn't involve three fins.

Walking into a friendly shop is a bit like walking into your Mummy's kitchen - it's warm and friendly and smiley and you can ask for stuff and you will be given stuff and no-one makes you feel guilty about it.

Of course there is Constantine Surf Store and the lovely Des, I have already told you about that gem...But on my last Cornwall trip I went down to Perranporth and I drove past Bathsheba and I thought "Hang on, I've seen their ads in mags and stuff, I wonder how it is in there (and I wonder if they need tide books)" and I hit the breaks and I parked on the curb and I upset all the locals trying to squeeze past, but hey, it was all worth it.
Inside I found Dave and Matt and they made me laugh a lot within the first minute of me being in there and I reckon that is a pretty good indication of a good shop. I was so happy in there, next time I will bring a flask, a deckchair, a blankie and Trivial Pursuit and I will make myself at home.

Yeah, so if you are down that way and you need anything surf-related or you are sad and you want to see some happy faces, go in there and have a good time....


Oh, here's their website:

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